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How to order:
- Please add the appropriate value gift voucher to your basket. Available to order online in values of £10, £15, £20, £25, £30, £40, £50, £60, £75, or £100.
- If we’re sending it to someone else on your behalf, you can use the order comments box on the checkout page to add any message you would like us to write in the card for you.
- Please note that your voucher will be posted to you by normal post and so there is a small delivery charge for gift vouchers to cover postage and packing, or free delivery if the voucher value is £100 or more; if you’re buying other items too then standard delivery charges apply instead.
- The voucher will become active 48 hours after issuing, so please let us know if you have not received your voucher within 48 hours of your “order has been picked” email confirmation. This will enable us to cancel and reissue your voucher.
Earlswood Gift Vouchers make the ideal gift for anyone who loves plants and gardening, has a pet, enjoys coffee and slice of cake, or simply likes shopping with us!
- Our Gift Vouchers can be spent in either the shop or our cafe on anything that we sell
- They are valid for two years from the purchase date
- They don’t have to be spent in one go – if the purchase is less than the voucher value, they’ll get another voucher back for amount left
- Every voucher purchase comes with a free card and an envelope